Sunday, September 15, 2024

Warhammer Old World Battle Report: Orcs vs Empire

Dave Keyser, whom I ran into at a recent convention, is an old friend from way back in my Warhammer Fantasy 5th/6th edition days.  We got together to play his Empire list against my Orc list - both at 2,000 points.  Dave is getting ready for an upcoming tournament and wanted to get some more sink time with the rules, so I was happy to oblige him!

The picture below shows the deployment completed.

The power of Mork and Gork compelled the horde forward into the ranks of the waiting Empire troops. Those pesky hummies tried to shot uz down!  Took some light casualties getting to grips with the many Empire Knight units.  My Black Orc Warlord on his Wyvern had to go take care of the Steam Tank, which took several turns.  Once he had cleared that the rest of the army had the Empire troops either defeated and on the run, or pinned into combats they were not going to win.  As the free units pivoted around to support the remaining ongoing combats, the Empire lost all hope and retired from the battlefield.

Pictures below of the game.  Due to time constraints during the game I only took pictures between turns 1 and 2 - but afterwards I spent some time doing some staged pictures.

Two games this weekend - what times we live in!  Now back to the paint table!


  1. Dude super cool and nice pictures. My buddies and I stopped playing after AoS came out and sold all our armies, though we’ve talked about coming back. Your posts get me excited but unless my buddies hop in I don’t think I’ll be playing anytime soon. But I can live vicariously through your pictures and AAR’s in meantime😎


    Your last post you need to delete and block a spammer called Alice

    1. Yo Kevin! Thanks for pointing out the spammer - dealt with it! I hate AoS (Age of Shitmar). I new I would slip back into it ... but the rules are just so much better than any previous edition IMO. While the book layout is a bit rough, the rules themselves are well written and work really well.

  2. Another cracking Warhammer match up, great win for the Orcs, lovely looking miniatures on the table for both sides!
