Hello all,
Well I must say that my KublaCon weekend was one of the best in many years. I gamed my butt off and had a great turnout for my games. I was all packed up and ready to go early Friday morning and after catching some breakfast with Roy Scaife I made it to the convention at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame around 11:30am. I got checked into the con and the hotel, move some stuff into my room, then it was straight off to setup my 1pm Bolt Action game. I setup a scenario for four players to run the allies (British and Americans) advancing on some Fallschirmjager setup on the outskirts of a town. The GM (me) was to run the Fallschirmjager - however I had several people show up to play so I let two chaps run the Germans and four others run the allies. The Germans used the advantage of their range on their tanks effectively, but the eventual tide of allied troops overran the German positions (as the scenario was designed to have happen to provide an enjoyable outcome for the allies). Pictures are below ...

After finishing up the Bolt Action game it was time for dinner and beers before we played several games of "Bang!" before setting up for the Friday night flea market (I sold everything I brought and did very well). Off to bed at about 1am. 7am wakeup, some breakfast then it was time to run my Napoleonic Black Powder game at 9am. For this game we played a meeting engagement that was a fictional encounter of an encounter between advancing Prussian (and British) forces after Waterloo running into the 30,000 men of Grouchy's corps. We had 8 players - four on each side and each running a brigade of 5-7 units. It was a close run game and at the end of the day the Prussians/British pulled off a narrow victory by reaching the pre-designated army break level of the French army (9 units broken). Pictures below.

John Lantz ran an outstanding game of X-Wing that was oriented around the attack on the second Death Star --- complete with tunnel entrance and exit for the Death Star that could be entered by the rebel forces once the shield was brought down (determined by destroying a certain number of Imperial fighters). If a rebel ship could make it to the end of the tunnel with a torpedo/rocket and get a hit they would win (destroying the second Death Star). In fact, so many had signed up for the event (run twice in a row) that John had to turn a couple of folks away (I think he had 10-12 players in each game).
Of course throughout the weekend there were several other games run that looked really good. Below is a selection of pictures from those games. Also, on Sunday we all got to play lots of SAGA using our Vikings, Jomsvikings, Bretons and Anglo-Danes.
So another great KublaCon comes and goes ... now on to CelestiCon which will be on the labour day weekend in September.