Saturday, December 5, 2020

AWI Guilford Courthouse: Preview

1 week from today (Dec 12th) I'll finally be running my Guilford Courthouse game for the first time.

Unfortunately - like so many places - where I live in California is under a new set of health restrictions. Instead of the full compliment of the club, I've had to pare down the attendees to just Roy and John (I see them almost on a daily basis throughout the work week).  I'll run this game again for the whole crew once the health restrictions ease up and things improve on the COVID front.

A recent find and something that has shot up to the top of my terrain list of likes are the high bushes from Scenic Express.  These are "static bushes" from Martin Welberg Scenic Studios that are resold by Scenic Express (  These come is low and high (height) and many different colours.  Below is the high brown bush.

These come in a 10 pack - you just cut them out with scissors and stick them on your table --- awesome!  I'm going to be order several more sets for my greener landscapes.

Ok, back to the game preparation ...

I still have much to do, but the table is about 75% setup.  I'm basing the last 5 units (American) I need for the scenario.  I snapped some "preview" pictures to share as I'm sure  you are all sick of just seeing unit pictures, so here you go - just a small batch of pictures to give you an idea of how it is all coming together.

I'm waiting on my last shipment of dried corn stalks (O-scale) to show up -- looks like I should have them on Wednesday so I can finish the rest of the field.

The next post will be the battle report.  I'll be taking lots of pictures as usual.


  1. Beautiful figures, pictures...and bushes Jay!

  2. Lovely looking set up can’t wait to see the battle !😀

  3. Dem's some nice looking cornstalks, Jay! And very professional fences. Museum quality terrain, and magazine quality photos. Oh, the toy soldiers aren't too bad either:-)

    1. Heya Mr. Steve!! I love those fences as well :-) Lots more to come.

  4. Absolutely epic Jay! Can't wait to see the AAR 😀
    Are you going to jump in and play or just GM?

  5. Looking great Jay!
    As to the bushes, they are pretty nice. I recommend similar ones from Polak Model, but not sure if you can get them in the US.

    Best wishes,

  6. Great game!Perfectly colored miniatures!

  7. Outstanding terrain and lovely figures Jay!
