Sunday, September 1, 2024

PacifiCon Game Expo - Epic Pike & Shotte and More

Just back from PacifiCon, which was held at the Santa Clara Marriott in California.  Our merry group had a good time and it was great to get to play so many games with good friends.  I was a little tired from the push to get all the Pike and Shotte stuff done, work, and being a dad so I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked too.

Epic Pike & Shotte

This was just a pitched battle with even forces on each side.  The objective for each side was to break 2 of the 3 infantry battalias.  We played 7 turns and the Royalists managed to pull out the victory.  Really loved this game and looking forward to finally running the full Battle of Edgehill scenario at KublaCon Fall in November.

Legions Imperialis

Oliver Heckman hosted a grand game of Legions Imperialis. I played Word Bearers and did a fine job of clearing my section of the board.  Those pesky Ultramarines did manage to get the win, but it wasn't my fault ;-)  Ha!  My son played Word Bearers with me and it is great that I get to share this hobby with him.  Did also did very well, killing two titans!  Unfortunately the Dark Mechanicum troops in the 3rd sector of the board did not fair so well!


I hosted two games of Conan the boardgame.  I have the miniatures painted for this game and it was some time since we played it.  This is a really fun game and the scenario design is really well done with both games being really close - as in down to the last second!

In Conclusion

Again, wish I took more pictures - I ended up missing a bunch of good games.  I snapped some pictures of two games with ships - one a pirate game and the other a more historical scenario.

I'm looking forward to KublaCon Fall and plan to be more diligent about taking lots of pictures at that event.


  1. man that was a fast post. LOL
    nice to see you again. Next time I hope our schedules align better so we're at the same table. The Pike and Shot game looked FANTASTIC. 😁

    1. Heya Stew! Thanks! It was great to see you!! I'll be running the full "Edgehill" game at "KublaCon Fall" if you find yourself with nothing better to do on that weekend in November :-)
