Friday, September 13, 2024

Warhammer Old World Battle Report: Empire vs Tomb Kings

I hosted a 2500 point game of Warhammer The Old World today.  I took on the forces of the Empire and Roy Scaife played the Tomb Kings.  

As you likely know, today was Friday the 13th and oddly enough, as if by some omen of the epic trouncing I was about to receive, my first shot with the Helblaster Volley gun (rolling 3 x Artillery dice) was 6-6-6!

We played the Drakwald Forest Incident, which is a meeting engagement with diagonal deployment across the table.  At the start of the game you roll a D6 per unit and on a 1 the unit must be held in reserve. The Tomb Kings had 4 units go into reserve and the Empire had 1.  

Funny enough, the Tomb Kings didn't need those reserve units and put an absolute beat down on the Empire by turn 3. The Tomb King reserves simply had to pick a good spot on a hill to watch the carnage unfold when they finally entered the game!  

Pictures below of the post-deployment situation - you know, before it all went south for me (on the first turn) - LOL.

A few phone pictures below ...

Woof!  What a game.  I need to do better!  I have another game tomorrow, this time I'm running my Orc list at 2000 points playing against a old friend from my old school Warhammer Fantasy days, Dave Keyser.  Hopefully I'll have a better result - I can only go up from here! :-) 


  1. Two lovely looking armies on show, very nice looking Warhammer game, fingers crossed you can get a better result next time out!

  2. Howdy Jay,

    Some nice looking models on a nicely setup table. My buddies have been playing Total War Warhammer III and one is running the Tomb Kings and the other an Empire, while I run the Beastman. We've been talking about getting back into it, and seeing your stuff on the table is pretty tempting to try.


    1. Thanks Kevin! I too play a crap load of WHTW III :-)
