Thursday, June 20, 2024

Epic Pike & Shotte: Parlimentarians

Still more progress on the Parliamentarians for the Battle of Edgehill.  There are 14 Pike and Shotte units in total for this side of the armies, and there are just 3 units left to base (already in progress).  The Cavalry is also well at hand although I'm prioritizing getting the infantry based first.

Movement trays have been sorted for all unit types and will make playing the game easier.  I'm really loving the look and feel of this army and can't wait to see it all arrayed on the tabletop!

The first cavalry unit is based below.  7 more in progress.

Dragoons - mounted and dismounted below.  There are three of these units.

Both Cuirassier units are done.

All this goes with the previous units completed.

Pushing hard to get this army finished and on the tabletop.  More pictures to come :-)

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Epic Pike and Shotte

Making good progress on my stuff for the Battle of Edgehill using the Warlord Games Epic Pike & Shotte.

The Parlimentarians are painted and I'm working through all the basing.  I've decided to cut my own bases from 2mm MDF.  The standard bases are 60mm wide by 20mm deep.  This footprint is very tight for the infantry, abd too small for the cavalry (they can't rank up).  I am using 60mm x 24mm for infantry, and 60mm x 30mm for cavalry.

Pictures below of the first units completed ...

Lot's more to do but I have the process down and can make steady progress now.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

KublaCon 2024

KublaCon 2024 has come and gone.  This is the "bay area's" (San Francisco bay area) largest convention and I have to say this year it was busting at the seams!  So many people!  I attend from Thursday afternoon through to Monday morning.  Usually Thursday is very quiet and Friday only gets busy in the evening.  Not this year - Thursday was happening - and Friday from the morning was busier than many Saturday's in the past.  Crazy but also great to see the convention growing.  A staff member mentioned that this year they would surpass 4,000 attendees.

Another great thing about this year was my international friends that made it over.  Adam Clark (Berlin, Germany), Andrew Thompson (Scotland), and Rob Bauman (Canada) all pictured above with almost the whole local crew (missing was Dan Kerrick and Oliver Heckman).  We kept meaning to take a picture of us all and only managed at the very last second.

Ok, enough of that - on to the games!  I admit I was very good about taking pictures of the "big games" and horrible the rest of the weekend.  Below you will find pictures of the large Warhammer: The Old World game I ran on Saturday.  I completely missed taking pictures during Roy Scaife's excellent Wolfpack game (I played a sub and sunk some major tonnage!).  Dan Kerrick ran a FIW game called Last of the Mohicans: Road to Fort William Henry.  Oliver and Adam ran a spectacular epic 40k game.

Side note:  If you want to see more pictures from KublaCon - I recommend checking out Kevin's blog here:

Lots of pictures below ...

Warhammer: The Old World

This was a blood bath!  The "good guys" pulled it out on the last turn in a big swing through several close combats.  The turn before I was sure the "bad guys" had it in their favour.2

Battle Of Valorum Prime (Legions Imperialis Epic 40k)

Oliver Heckman and Adam Clark put on this spectacle.  I played Eldar who had to drop in via portals to secure relics and attempt to evacuate them off the field.  This was a large game using the Legions Imperalis rules - but with army lists that Oliver ported from Space Marine 2nd Edition to create those factions in the newer GW rules.  A large Orc force, Solar Aux, Ultramarines, Word Bearers, Dark Mechanicum, and Eldar forces all fought over the key objectives and relics that appeared throughout the battle.  The Ultramarines pulled off the victory, followed by the Eldar.  The Ultramarines really swung it by holding a key objective for several turns and dropping terminators in to storm, take and hold the Word Bearers drop ship.

"If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It!"

The Predator movie in miniature!  John Lantz put on this game and I had an absolutely blast playing it.  It started with the first part being the team clearing the local rebels out of the base that had the hostages.  The second part was pushing through the jungle getting stalked by the Predator, before the mad dash to "Get to the choppa!"

I played Billy and as such, refused to move further than 1/2 way across the log, sacrificing myself to give the others the time they needed to get away (well, to get a little further).

Last of the Mohicans: Road to Fort William Henry

Dan Kerrick ran this game using the Willey rules.  All had a great time playing out the characters from the movie.

Other Games

I was really bad of getting pictures of other games.  I snapped a few and they are included below.

What a great weekend all around.  I can't wait until next year!  Now, on to PacifiCon in September.