Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Epic Pike and Shotte Parliamentarian Cavalry

The Commanded Shot, Dragoons (mounted and dismounted), Cuirassiers, and regular cavalry for the Parliamentarians are now ready for battle.

There is about the same amount of cavalry units almost done for the Royalists, plus all the artillery and generals for both sides.  My goal is to have this all done by PacifiCon (first weekend of September).

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Epic Pike and Shotte Royalist Infantry

A major milestone.  All pike and shotte units I need to run Edgehill (30 in total) are now complete.  I'm also well into the cavalry.

Below are the 16 Royalist units.

Below is all 30 pike and shotte units for both the Royalists and Parliamentarians for Edgehill.

Getting close now.