Friday, May 10, 2024

Warhammer Old World: Rules Reference, Quick Reference, and Magic Lore Reference

If you have tried playing Warhammer The Old World there is about a 100% chance that you got rules wrong, spent tons of time flipping through pages trying to find things, or just throwing caution to the wind and just making assumptions to get through the game.

I'm hosting a large Warhammer TOW game at KublaCon later this month - with experienced Warhammer players - but even with that it has become clear that a proper "QRS" is needed for Warhammer, The Old World.

Now, I say "QRS", and that is part of this, but what is below is really a rules reference and QRS in one.  I have my own custom formatted army lists now (Old World Builder is great for putting lists together, but missing a lot of information for actually playing the game).

My objective here is to stop having to use books - keep them on hand - but not have to go to them during a game at all.  Secondly, and just as important, is practically I want to be able to have my "quick 2 pager" (near the back of this reference) on the combat side, and my army list entry, and be able to resolve any shooting or close combat without flipping any pages.

See above.  All three print outs are included in this reference.  All double-sided A4 pages.  Yes, even in the US you can print on A4 - easy to get the paper from Amazon and feed through your manual feed tray.  I print the main reference as one group (stapled together), then keep the single (double-sided) quick reference page separate, and finally the two double-sided magic lore pages stapled together.

I think this is the best I can get it for speeding gameplay and making it as easy as possible to get through a game without missing or messing up rules.

You can download this reference (PDF) from here.

DISCLAIMER: This is shared with the community purely as a "work of fan art" - I have no affiliation to Games Workshop and have created this for personal use.

Below you can see the pages from this reference.  It is a beast - but it accurately summarizes everything and organizes it (as best I could within the space) logically together by phase/sub-phase.

More to come as I've finished several armies now and just need to take proper pictures.


  1. Dude I’ve told you in the past, but it doesn’t hurt to keep telling you. You are a total stud doing all this work and then sharing it with community. Thank you for that hard work you put in. If there is anything Games Workshop could do to bring me back in the fold it’s Old World. Your work makes it that much easier for us players to navigate it.


    1. Heya Kevin! I've been quiet lately. You are most welcome and I appreciate the kind comment! This one was a total beast ... certainly the largest and more difficult thing I've had to put together in my wargaming time on this ball of dirt. I have gone from 0 to almost 10 armies -- almost all done (soooo close). I have a mega buttload of pictures to take and share.

    2. Ooh, ten armies, wowza! I look forward to seeing those pictures when you get a chance.


    3. Getting there, heads down getting ready for a convention in a couple of weeks, then picture time :-)

  2. Amazing compilation work! Such gift to your fellow gamers!

  3. Thanks for doing this. Only thing I can see is under Marching "A close order unit in March Column can triple its Movement
    characteristic when marching." Should say Open or Closed.
